1 point perspective is a picture that has 1 vanishing point and 1 eye level and when you look at the picture you will see that from the eye level the picture will get smaller to the vanishing point. In art class I need to make 1 point perspective name tag so I my name tag have eye level on my left and the vanishing point on my right and I decorated my name to going to get suck by black hole. I did this because when I was deciding where my eye levels and the vanishing point will be and I thought that I should decorate my name by something that suck it so I ended up with black hole because it can look beautiful when we use it.
How to do it:
1. Make one vanishing point at some place on the paper.
2. Make eye level (where your eyes start) at some place on the paper.
3. Draw straight line from vanishing point to eye level and another line from vanishing point to the opposite side of eye level.
4. Draw four horizontal grid lines from vanishing point to eye level.
5. Draw three vertical grid lines for each of your letters from your name.
6. Draw 2D shaped name in side each three vertical grid lines.
7. Color your name.
8. Decorate.
9. Take sticker of from the paper on the table.
10. Stick your name in to the sticker.
11. Stick the sticker in to your folder.
12. Get air off from the sticker by carefully put your finger on and wipe the air out.
I will grade my work 6 from 10 because even my decorating is beautiful but I did my name was really bad because I put my name in the wrong way that it should so it’s not a good perspective picture so when I do it again I need to be more careful when I did my name but the thing that is successful is I decorated it very well I’m proud of it. From this work I learned that how to make 1 point perspective picture step by step.